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Slack Send Message

Activity Description

Sends a Slack message to a user or channel.




  • Module Name – Select the appropriate Slack module.
  • Slack Conversation – Defines the Slack session that will be used for this message and to route responses. If there is a Start Slack Conversation activity in the workflow, type % to view a list of all available conversation IDs and select the desired variable. If the Send Message activity is in response to a Slack message that was received as an event, enter %ConversationID% to use the conversation ID of the incoming event. Leave blank if no conversation/session is expected. This is used only in the case of wanting to send a single message to a user without expecting a response.
  • Token – Token of the user who will be sending the message. Leaving this blank will use the token defined in the module configuration. Entering the token of another user will impersonate that user and send messages on their behalf, assuming sufficient permissions.
  • Send To – Select the recipient of the Slack message, either a User or Channel.
  • Name – The name of the user or channel based on the chosen value of the Send To field.
    Example: jsmith
  • Message – Text of the message to send.
  • Response – Determines how the activity should complete.
    • Yes: A response is expected and the workflow will pause at this activity until a response is given. The default activity time is 10 minutes and is defined in the timeout setting provided in the top right section of the activity.
    • No: A response is not expected, automatically continue to the next activity.
    • Complete: This is the terminating activity of the conversation; the session will end.
  • Buttons – Slack can display buttons to the user to use as a response, in addition to a plain text option. If buttons are defined in the activity, they will show in the message sent to the user Slack allows up to five buttons per message. If more than five buttons are defined in the activity, only the first five listed will be shown in the message.
    • Button Name: The name of the button that will be displayed as part of the message sent.
    • Button Id: The ID of the button that will be set to the webhook URL for further processing. Cannot contain spaces.